Validation Rules

In the last section we gave an overview of Formn’s built-in validation classes. Obviously, validation differs between create, update, and delete operations. For example, when inserting a PhoneNumber instance, the phoneNumber property is required: it cannot be null; it cannot be undefined. On the other hand, when updating a PhoneNumber, the phoneNumber property can be omitted: the user may want to update partially, e.g. just change the type.

The specific validation rules for each operation are laid out below. Each has examples which reference the PhoneNumber class, shown here for convenience.

import { Validate, PhoneValidator } from 'bsy-validation';

import { Table, Column, ManyToOne } from 'formn';

import { Person } from './person.entity';

@Table({name: 'phone_numbers'})
export class PhoneNumber {
  @Column({name: 'personID', isNullable: false, sqlDataType: 'int'})
  personId: number;

  @Column({isNullable: false, maxLength: 255, sqlDataType: 'varchar'})
  @Validate(new PhoneValidator())
  phoneNumber: string;

  @Column({name: 'phoneNumberID', isPrimary: true, isGenerated: true,
    isNullable: false, sqlDataType: 'int'})
  id: number;

  @Column({maxLength: 255, sqlDataType: 'varchar'})
  type: string;

  @ManyToOne<PhoneNumber, Person>(() => Person, (l, r) => [l.personId,])
  person: Person;


Use this class before inserting records.

  1. Values associated with generated columns must not be defined. For example, cannot be manually set because it’s associated with an auto-incrementing primary key column.
  2. If a column is not nullable and does not have a default value, the associated value must be defined.
  3. If the object passes steps 1 and 2, the ModelValidator rules are applied (see below).

The following object is not a valid PhoneNumber object because:

  1. id is associated with a generated column, and thus cannot be defined.
  2. phoneNumber and personId correspond to non-nullable columns, so they must be defined.
const phone = {
  id: 1


Use this class prior to updating a model by ID.

  1. The property or properties associated with the primary key column(s) must be defined and cannot be null.
  2. If the object passes step 1, the ModelValidator rules are applied (see below).

The below object is not a valid PhoneNumber object because:

  1. id is not defined.
const phone = {
  personId: 42,
  type: 'mobile',
  phoneNumber: '530-222-3333'


Use this class prior to deleting a model by ID.

  1. The property or properties associated with the primary key column(s) must be defined and cannot be null.

No other validation is applied.

The following PhoneNumber object cannot be deleted because:

  1. id is not defined.
const phone = {

Conversely, the following passes validation even though phoneNumber is invalid, becase:

  1. id is defined and valid.
const phone = {
  id: 1,
  phoneNumber: 'invalid phone number'

ModelValidator (The Base Class)

This class is mainly used internally by the above validators. It could be useful in certain scenarios, such as making a custom model validator.

  1. The data type of each value is validated.
  2. For strings, the maximum length is validated.
  3. Values corresponding to non-nullable columns must not be null.
  4. Custom validation rules are applied, such as the PhoneValidator check described above.

The following PhoneNumber object cannot be inserted because:

  1. personId has an invalid data type (not an integer).
  2. type has an invalid data type (not a string).
const phone = {
  personId: 3.14,
  type: false

This PhoneNumber object cannot be updated because:

  1. phoneNumber is not a valid phone number.
const phone = {
  id: 1,
  phoneNumber: 'bad phone number'

Full Example

Each of the example objects presented above is taken from the validation directory of the formn-example repository. One of the examples, src/validation/insert/generated-column-defined.ts, is shown below.

import { InsertModelValidator } from 'formn';

import { PhoneNumber } from '../../entity/phone-number.entity';

const validator = new InsertModelValidator();

// "id" cannot be defined because it's generated (an auto-incrementing
// primary key).
// "phoneNumber" and "personId" are non-nullable, so they must be defined.
const phone = {
  id: 1

  .validate(phone, PhoneNumber)
  .catch(err => console.error(JSON.stringify(err, null, 2)));

Run it using ts-node.

npx ts-node src/validation/insert/generated-column-defined.ts

Here’s the output, which is an Error of type ValidationErrorList.

  "code": "VAL_ERROR_LIST",
  "name": "ValidationErrorList",
  "detail": "Validation errors occurred.",
  "errors": [
      "code": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
      "name": "ValidationError",
      "detail": "\"id\" must not be defined.",
      "field": "id"
      "code": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
      "name": "ValidationError",
      "detail": "\"phoneNumber\" must be defined.",
      "field": "phoneNumber"
      "code": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
      "name": "ValidationError",
      "detail": "\"personId\" must be defined.",
      "field": "personId"