Basic Model Decorators

Generally, model classes are generated using the Formn CLI. We’ll cover that in the Generating Models section. For now, we’ll define a model class manually and describe how to make the class Formn capable.

A Formn model is just a TypeScript class decorated with the Table decorator. Within a model class, properties that correspond to database columns are decorated with the Column decorator. Properties can also be relational and define relationships with other models, which is covered in the next section.


Back in the Migrations section we created a people table. Let’s make a Formn model for that table.

import { Table } from 'formn';

@Table({name: 'people'})
export class Person {

It’s just a plain TypeScipt class, and the Table decorator makes it available for Formn to use. Note that we’ve opted to give the class the singular name Person, whereas the underlying database table’s name is people. As such, we need to pass the name option to the Table decorator. There are other TableMetaOptions, like schema for databases that support schemas.


Each column in a table can have an associated property in a model class. Those properties are Column decorated. Like Table, the Column decorator can be supplied various ColumnMetaOptions, like the column name, whether or not the column is nullable, and so on and so forth.

Let’s fill out the Person model with some Column-decorated properties, and then go over the nitty-gritty.

import { Table, Column } from 'formn';

@Table({name: 'people'})
export class Person {
  @Column({name: 'personID', isPrimary: true, isGenerated: true,
    isNullable: false, sqlDataType: 'int'})
  id: number;

  @Column({maxLength: 255, sqlDataType: 'varchar'})
  firstName: string;

  @Column({maxLength: 255, sqlDataType: 'varchar'})
  lastName: string;

  @Column({hasDefault: true, isNullable: false, sqlDataType: 'timestamp'})
  createdOn: Date;

Aliasing Column Names

Database column names and model property names can differ. Just like we aliased the people table as Person, in the above class the people.personID column has been aliased as id. Behind the scenes, Formn will map to/from people.personID.

Primary Keys

Every Formn model must have a primary key defined. A primary key is made up of one or more Column-decorated properties. In the people table, the primary key is defined on the personID column. As such, the corresponding id property has the isPrimary option set in its Column decoration. The personID column is also auto-incrementing (it’s generated); hence, the isGenerated option is enabled.

Max Length

When we created the people table, we defined a maximum character length for the firstName and lastName columns. That restriction is echoed above with the maxLength option, which is useful for validation purposes.

Default Values

Database side, people.createdOn is defined with a default of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, and it’s not nullable. For validation purposes, we supply the hasDefault and isNullable options to createdOn’s Column decorator.