Limiting Columns

In the last section we pulled all Person records from the database, and we included all properties/columns in the query. We can limit the selected properties/columns using the method, which optionally takes one or more property names. Here’s how.

const query: Select<Person> = dataContext
  .from(Person, 'p')
  .select('', 'p.firstName');

A few notes about the above query.

  • An alias, p, has been provided for Person. Like SQL, an alias lets us reference People using a short-hand notation in other parts of the query, like when limiting the selected columns. It also lets us disambiguate in cases where the same table is joined in multiple times. Aliasing is optional. If no alias is provided then the table will be referenced by table name (people in this case).
  • The primary key column(s) must be selected for every table referenced in the query, including any joined-in tables. Here we’ve included as part of the select.
  • Each selected column takes the form <table-alias>.<property-name>. Recall that in our example database the primary key of the people table is personID, and in the models section we opted to associate that column with the property. So, in the above query, we select, not p.personID.

Full Example

Here’s a full example, which can be found in the formn-example repository under src/retrieve/limit-columns.ts.

import { inspect } from 'util';

import { MySQLDataContext, ConnectionOptions, Select } from 'formn';

import { Person } from '../entity/person.entity';

async function main() {
  const connOpts: ConnectionOptions = require('../../connections.json');
  const dataContext = new MySQLDataContext();

  try {
    await dataContext.connect(connOpts);

    // Only pull and Person.firstName.
    const query: Select<Person> = dataContext
      .from(Person, 'p')
      .select('', 'p.firstName');


    const people: Person[] = await query

    console.log(inspect(people, {depth: null, compact: false}));

    await dataContext.end();
  catch(err) {


Run it with ts-node.

npx ts-node ./src/retrieve/limit-columns.ts

The output will looks similar to the following.

SELECT  `p`.`personID` AS ``,
        `p`.`firstName` AS `p.firstName`
FROM    `people` AS `p`
  Person {
    id: 1,
    firstName: 'Joe'
  Person {
    id: 2,
    firstName: 'Rand'
  Person {
    id: 3,
    firstName: 'Holly'
  Person {
    id: 4,
    firstName: 'Jenny'
  Person {
    id: 5,
    firstName: 'Mickey'
  Person {
    id: 6,
    firstName: 'Abe'