
When you need to batch multiple CRUD operations together it’s generally done in a transaction. This section covers transactions in Formn. You should have a good grasp of the basics (Getting Started; DataContext; Models), as well as CRUD operations (Creating; Retrieving; Updating; Deleting).

Starting a Transaction

Transactions are started with a call to the DataContext.beginTransaction method, supplying a function as the single argument. That user-supplied function

  1. will be called with a new DataContext instance that’s bound to a single connection, and
  2. must return a Promise.
await dataContext
  .beginTransaction(async (transDataContext: MySQLTransactionalDataContext): Promise<void> => {
    // Apply CRUD operations against transDataContext.

Above, an async function is supplied to DataContext.beginTransaction, so an implicit Promise is returned. If the returned Promise is rejected (i.e. if an exception is raised) then the transaction will be automatically rolled back; otherwise, the transaction will be automatically committed. Transactions can also be be rolled back manually using the DataContext.rollbackTransaction method.

Importantly, only operations performed against the transDataContext will be part of the transaction; queries run against dataContext will not.

Full Example: Replace PhoneNumbers for a Person

There’s an example in the formn-example repository that uses transactions. It deletes all the PhoneNumber records for a Person, and then inserts two new PhoneNumbers. That example can be found under src/transaction/replace-phone-numbers.ts, and it’s repeated below for convenience.

import { inspect } from 'util';

import {
  MySQLDataContext, ConnectionOptions, ConditionBuilder,
  MySQLTransactionalDataContext, Delete, MutateResultType, Insert
} from 'formn';

import { PhoneNumber } from '../entity/phone-number.entity';

async function main() {
  const connOpts: ConnectionOptions = require('../../connections.json');
  const dataContext = new MySQLDataContext();

  try {
    await dataContext.connect(connOpts);

    // Start the transaction.
    // Note that the supplied function (replacePhoneNumbers) is async, meaning
    // that it implicitly returns a Promise instance.  If that promise is
    // rejected (i.e. an exception occurs), then the transaction will be rolled
    // back; otherwise, the transaction will be automatically committed.
    await dataContext

    await dataContext.end();
  catch(err) {

 * Replace the phone numbers for a person.
async function replacePhoneNumbers(
  transDataContext: MySQLTransactionalDataContext): Promise<void> {
  // Delete all phone numbers for the person with ID 1.
  const cb = new ConditionBuilder();

  const qDelPhone: Delete = transDataContext
    .from(PhoneNumber, 'pn')
    .where(cb.eq('pn.personId', ':pid', 1))


  const qDelPhoneRes: MutateResultType = await qDelPhone.execute();

  console.log(inspect(qDelPhoneRes, {depth: null, compact: false}));

  // Create two new phone numbers for the person with ID 1.
  const phones = [new PhoneNumber(), new PhoneNumber()];

  phones[0].personId    = 1;
  phones[0].phoneNumber = '111-222-3333';
  phones[0].type        = 'cell';

  phones[1].personId    = 1;
  phones[1].phoneNumber = '444-555-6666';
  phones[1].type        = 'office';

  // Insert each phone number, logging the SQL.
  for (let i = 0; i < phones.length; ++i) {
    const qInsPhone: Insert<PhoneNumber> = transDataContext
      .insert(PhoneNumber, phones[i]);


    await qInsPhone.execute();

    // An id will be set on the PhoneNumber instance.
    console.log(inspect(phones[i], {depth: null, compact: false}));

  // The transaction can be rolled back manually.
  //await transDataContext.rollbackTransaction();


You can run the example with ts-node.

npx ts-node ./src/transaction/replace-phone-numbers.ts

Output will look similar to the following.

DELETE  `pn`
FROM    `phone_numbers` AS `pn`
WHERE   `pn`.`personID` = :pid
ResultSetHeader {
  fieldCount: 0,
  affectedRows: 3,
  insertId: 0,
  info: '',
  serverStatus: 3,
  warningStatus: 0
INSERT INTO `phone_numbers` (`personID`, `phoneNumber`, `type`)
VALUES (:personId, :phoneNumber, :type)
PhoneNumber {
  personId: 1,
  phoneNumber: '111-222-3333',
  type: 'cell',
  id: 5
INSERT INTO `phone_numbers` (`personID`, `phoneNumber`, `type`)
VALUES (:personId, :phoneNumber, :type)
PhoneNumber {
  personId: 1,
  phoneNumber: '444-555-6666',
  type: 'office',
  id: 6