Custom Join Predicates

In the queries presented in the last section, the join predicates (the ON condition) are derived. That is, Formn infers the join conditions based on the decorators defined on the models. But sometimes that’s not enough, and a custom join predicate is needed. The ConditionBuilder class that was covered in the Conditions section can be used to build a custom join condition.

Let’s say we want to pull all Person records along with their mobile PhoneNumbers, if any.

// The ConditionBuilder is used to build the join predicate.
const cb = new ConditionBuilder();

// People with their mobile phone numbers, if any.
const query: Select<Person> = dataContext
  .from(Person, 'p')
  .leftOuterJoin(PhoneNumber, 'pn', 'p.phoneNumbers',
      cb.eq('', 'pn.personId'),
      cb.eq('pn.type', ':phoneType', 'mobile')))

Full Example

You’ll find the above example in the formn-example repository under src/retrieve/join-people-to-phone-numbers-custom-condition.ts.

import { inspect } from 'util';

import { MySQLDataContext, ConnectionOptions, Select, ConditionBuilder } from 'formn';

import { Person } from '../entity/person.entity';
import { PhoneNumber} from '../entity/phone-number.entity';

async function main() {
  const connOpts: ConnectionOptions = require('../../connections.json');
  const dataContext = new MySQLDataContext();

  try {
    await dataContext.connect(connOpts);

    // The ConditionBuilder is used to build the join predicate.
    const cb = new ConditionBuilder();

    // People with their mobile phone numbers, if any.
    const query: Select<Person> = dataContext
      .from(Person, 'p')
      .leftOuterJoin(PhoneNumber, 'pn', 'p.phoneNumbers',
          cb.eq('', 'pn.personId'),
          cb.eq('pn.type', ':phoneType', 'mobile')))


    const people: Person[] = await query

    console.log(inspect(people, {depth: null, compact: false}));

    await dataContext.end();
  catch(err) {


The example can be run with ts-node.

npx ts-node ./src/retrieve/join-people-to-phone-numbers-custom-condition.ts

The above yields the following output.

SELECT  `p`.`createdOn` AS `p.createdOn`,
        `p`.`firstName` AS `p.firstName`,
        `p`.`lastName` AS `p.lastName`,
        `p`.`personID` AS ``,
        `pn`.`personID` AS `pn.personId`,
        `pn`.`phoneNumber` AS `pn.phoneNumber`,
        `pn`.`phoneNumberID` AS ``,
        `pn`.`type` AS `pn.type`
FROM    `people` AS `p`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `phone_numbers` AS `pn` ON (`p`.`personID` = `pn`.`personID` AND `pn`.`type` = :phoneType)
  Person {
    id: 1,
    createdOn: 2019-02-13T03:37:23.000Z,
    firstName: 'Joe',
    lastName: 'Shmo',
    phoneNumbers: [
      PhoneNumber {
        id: 1,
        personId: 1,
        phoneNumber: '530-307-8810',
        type: 'mobile'
  Person {
    id: 2,
    createdOn: 2019-02-13T03:37:23.000Z,
    firstName: 'Rand',
    lastName: 'al\'Thor',
    phoneNumbers: [
      PhoneNumber {
        id: 4,
        personId: 2,
        phoneNumber: '666-451-4412',
        type: 'mobile'
  Person {
    id: 3,
    createdOn: 2019-02-13T03:37:23.000Z,
    firstName: 'Holly',
    lastName: 'Davis',
    phoneNumbers: []
  Person {
    id: 4,
    createdOn: 2019-02-13T03:37:23.000Z,
    firstName: 'Jenny',
    lastName: 'Mather',
    phoneNumbers: []

Note the custom join predicate:

LEFT OUTER JOIN `phone_numbers` AS `pn` ON 
  (`p`.`personID` = `pn`.`personID` AND `pn`.`type` = :phoneType)