Tutorial: 017 - Update - Updating Using a From Instance

017 - Update - Updating Using a From Instance

The last two examples illustrate the common case of updating models by ID, but at times updates are needed that involve a WHERE clause or JOINs. Using the DataContext#from, one can build a complex query, and then call the FromAdapter#update method. The FromAdapter#update method takes an object as a paramter: Each key should be a fully-qualified column name (<table-alias>.<column-name>). Here's an example that updates all staff members over the age of 21 that have received at least one bonus.

'use strict';

const MySQLDriver = require('node-data-mapper-mysql').MySQLDriver;
const driver      = new MySQLDriver(require('../bikeShopConOpts.json'));

  .finally(() => driver.end());

function runQuery(dataContext) {
  // Give keys to anyone over 21 that has received a bonus.
  const query = dataContext
    .from('staff s')
    .innerJoin('s.bonuses b')
      {$gt: {'s.age': ':minAge'}},
      {minAge: 21}
    .update({'s.hasStoreKeys': true});

  console.log(query.toString(), '\n');

  return query

function printResult(result) {

And here's the output ($ node example/update/updateFrom.js):

UPDATE  `staff` AS `s`
INNER JOIN `bonuses` AS `b` ON `s`.`staffID` = `b`.`staffID`
`s`.`hasStoreKeys` = :s_hasStoreKeys_0
WHERE   `s`.`age` > :minAge 

{ affectedRows: 2 }