Tutorial: 011 - Insert - Create Multiple Models

011 - Insert - Create Multiple Models

Multiple models can be inserted as a batch. As described in the previous example, the DataContext#insert method accepts an object as a parameter. Each property in that object should map to a table, and the value associated with each property should be one or more models.

In the following example, two bike_shops records and one bikes record are inserted in a batch. As with the previous example, note that the primary key of each model is automatically added after the insert is completed.

'use strict';

const MySQLDriver = require('node-data-mapper-mysql').MySQLDriver;
const driver      = new MySQLDriver(require('../bikeShopConOpts.json'));

  .finally(() => driver.end());

function runQuery(dataContext) {
  // Insert two bike_shops records and a single bikes record in a batch.
  const query = dataContext
      bike_shops: [
          name:    'Cycle City',
          address: '82 Bloom St.'
          name:    'Cadence and Clip',
          address: '7712 Ackworth Barn Dr.'
      bikes: {
        brand: 'Gary Fisher',
        model: 'Remedy',
        msrp:  5499.99

  console.log(query.toString(), '\n');

  return query

function printResult(result) {


Run this example ($ node example/create/insertMultiple.js) and the following output will be displayed.

INSERT INTO `bike_shops` (`name`, `address`)
VALUES (:name, :address);

INSERT INTO `bike_shops` (`name`, `address`)
VALUES (:name, :address);

INSERT INTO `bikes` (`brand`, `model`, `msrp`)
VALUES (:brand, :model, :msrp) 

{ bike_shops: 
   [ { name: 'Cycle City', address: '82 Bloom St.', bikeShopID: 4 },
     { name: 'Cadence and Clip',
       address: '7712 Ackworth Barn Dr.',
       bikeShopID: 5 } ],
   { brand: 'Gary Fisher',
     model: 'Remedy',
     msrp: 5499.99,
     bikeID: 11 } }