Tutorial: 010 - Insert - Create a Single Model

010 - Insert - Create a Single Model

Models are inserted into the database using the DataContext#insert method, which takes a single object as a parameter. Each key in the object should correspond to a table mapping, and the value should be one or more models. Here's a quick example, which inserts a single bike_shops record.

'use strict';

const MySQLDriver = require('node-data-mapper-mysql').MySQLDriver;
const driver      = new MySQLDriver(require('../bikeShopConOpts.json'));

  .finally(() => driver.end());

function runQuery(dataContext) {
  // Insert a single bike_shops record.
  const query = dataContext
      bike_shops: {
        name:    "Phil Billy's Bikes",
        address: '432 Red Rider Rd.'

  console.log(query.toString(), '\n');

  return query

function printResult(result) {
  // Note that the ID is set on the model (e.g. result.bike_shops.bikeShopID).


The above example logs the following output ($ node example/create/insertSingleModel.js):

INSERT INTO `bike_shops` (`name`, `address`)
VALUES (:name, :address) 

{ bike_shops: 
   { name: 'Phil Billy\'s Bikes',
     address: '432 Red Rider Rd.',
     bikeShopID: 4 } }

After a model is inserted, node-data-mapper automatically adds the primary key to the model when it can. This is possible when the underlying database driver returns the inserted identifier from insert queries, which generally means that the primary key will be added to models if the primary key is an auto-incremented value. In the output above, note that the bikeShopID has been added to the model.