Tutorial: 007 - Select - Conditions

007 - Select - Conditions

node-data-mapper has a formal domain-specific language defined for WHERE and ON conditions. The language is similar to MongoDB, and Condtions are lexed, parsed, and compiled. Formally-defined Conditions allow for securely filtering queries without worrying about SQL injection. They also let developers create reusable queries that can be filtered dynamically, reducing query redundancy in code.

Let's take a look at a quick example, and then look at the Condition specification more closely.

'use strict';

const MySQLDriver = require('node-data-mapper-mysql').MySQLDriver;
const driver      = new MySQLDriver(require('../bikeShopConOpts.json'));
const util        = require('util');

  .finally(() => driver.end());

function runQuery(dataContext) {
  // Find all staff under the age of 22.
  const cond = {
    $lt: {
      'staff.age': ':age'

  const params = {
    age: 22

  const query = dataContext
    .where(cond, params)

  console.log(query.toString(), '\n');

  return query

function printResult(result) {
  console.log(util.inspect(result, {depth: null}));


Note that JOINing has not yet been covered in these tutorials--that topic will be covered shortly. At any rate, the above code snippet finds staff members that are younger than 22, and includes any bonuses that the staff member may have received, along with the bike shop that they work for. Running this example ($ node example/retrieve/basicWhere.js) logs the following output to the console.

SELECT  `staff`.`age` AS `staff.age`,
        `staff`.`bikeShopID` AS `staff.bikeShopID`,
        `staff`.`firstName` AS `staff.firstName`,
        `staff`.`hasStoreKeys` AS `staff.hasStoreKeys`,
        `staff`.`hireDate` AS `staff.hireDate`,
        `staff`.`lastName` AS `staff.lastName`,
        `staff`.`sex` AS `staff.sex`,
        `staff`.`staffID` AS `staff.staffID`,
        `bonuses`.`amount` AS `bonuses.amount`,
        `bonuses`.`bonusID` AS `bonuses.bonusID`,
        `bonuses`.`dateGiven` AS `bonuses.dateGiven`,
        `bonuses`.`reason` AS `bonuses.reason`,
        `bonuses`.`staffID` AS `bonuses.staffID`,
        `bike_shops`.`address` AS `bike_shops.address`,
        `bike_shops`.`bikeShopID` AS `bike_shops.bikeShopID`,
        `bike_shops`.`name` AS `bike_shops.name`
FROM    `staff` AS `staff`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `bonuses` AS `bonuses` ON `staff`.`staffID` = `bonuses`.`staffID`
INNER JOIN `bike_shops` AS `bike_shops` ON `staff`.`bikeShopID` = `bike_shops`.`bikeShopID`
WHERE   `staff`.`age` < :age
ORDER BY `staff`.`age` ASC 

{ staff: 
   [ { staffID: 3,
       age: 16,
       bikeShopID: 1,
       firstName: 'Tina',
       hasStoreKeys: ,
       hireDate: 2006-04-30T00:00:00.000Z,
       lastName: 'Beckenworth',
       sex: 'female',
       bonuses: [],
        { bikeShopID: 1,
          address: '9107 Sunrise Blvd',
          name: 'Bob\'s Bikes' } },
     { staffID: 7,
       age: 18,
       bikeShopID: 3,
       firstName: 'Kimberly',
       hasStoreKeys: ,
       hireDate: 2006-03-25T00:00:00.000Z,
       lastName: 'Fenters',
       sex: 'female',
       bonuses: [],
        { bikeShopID: 3,
          address: '3100 La Riviera Wy',
          name: 'Cycle Works' } },
     { staffID: 1,
       age: 21,
       bikeShopID: 1,
       firstName: 'Randy',
       hasStoreKeys: ,
       hireDate: 2012-01-03T00:00:00.000Z,
       lastName: 'Alamedo',
       sex: 'male',
        [ { bonusID: 1,
            amount: 250,
            dateGiven: 2013-06-01T00:00:00.000Z,
            reason: 'Salesperson of the month.',
            staffID: 1 } ],
        { bikeShopID: 1,
          address: '9107 Sunrise Blvd',
          name: 'Bob\'s Bikes' } } ] }

The WHERE condition is compiled and parameterized as expected. Next up, we'll look at how to make the query in the previous code dynamically filterable and orderable, and therefore reusable.