Tutorial: 001 - Installing and Connecting

001 - Installing and Connecting

Install node-data-mapper

node-data-mapper is a core project, and database-specific code is implemented in separate modules. Use the package that supports your RDBMS.


Create a Driver instance, and initialize() node-data-mapper. The following example use a MySQLDriver; if you're using a different RDBMS, substitute for MySQL accordingly and use connection options suitable for your driver.

'use strict';

const MySQLDriver = require('node-data-mapper-mysql').MySQLDriver;
const driver      = new MySQLDriver({
  host:            'localhost',
  user:            'example',
  password:        'secret',
  database:        'bike_shop',
  timezone:        'utc',
  connectionLimit: 10

// Initialize the driver, which returns a promise.  node-data-mapper uses
// deferred (https://www.npmjs.com/package/deferred) for a promise library.

function onInit(dataContext) {
  // dataContext is used to execute queries.  A reference to dataContext is
  // also available on driver (driver.dataContext).
  console.log('Ready to run queries.');

function endConnection() {
  // end() is also exposed on dataContext.
  console.log('Connection closed.');